Case 2009

Case Conference September 21 & 22 2009 in Berlin

Energy Efficiency and renewable energies in (town) planning law

Against the background of global climate change the municipality A sets the political goal to become a ‘carbon-neutral’ city until 2015. To achieve this goal the municipality develops a local climate-protection-concept with different topics. Especially in the sector of planning and building the municipality wants to reach a high energy efficiency standard for existing buildings and also for planning new building areas. Therefore two main objectives are important. First is the energy efficiency of (existing and planned) buildings and second the use of renewable energies for the energy supply of planned housing and commercial areas.

1. Is there a legislation in your country concerning the use of renewable energies or energy efficiency? Can municipalities create their own (or higher) regulations?

2. Are there special regulations for renewable energies or energy efficiency in planning law? Has the legislation mentioned in question 1 influence on the planning law? E.g. by setting requirements concerning the use of renewable energy for the energy supply or a standard for energy efficiency of building areas?

3. Does legislation (Questions 1+2) only affect the planning for new buildings or does it also affect existing buildings? If yes, describe how.

Stephan Mitschang, Berlin, may 2009


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