Czech Republic

Czech Republic

Country Introduction

The system of land use planning and development is regulated in the CR by the Act on the town and country planning and on building regulations (No. 183/2006 Coll.) and by relevant Government decrees.

The municipal council issues the plan for its own territory; in case that the plan does not comply any more with the municipality development, a change in the plan is procured and issued.

At the regional level, the planning documentation of a region (Principles of spatial development) is to be obligatorily elaborated and issued. The plan must comply with the principles of spatial development.

The principles of spatial development include, among others, the delimitation of public infrastructure areas and corridors (transport and technical infrastructure), having, above all, supra-local signification and impact on the territory of several municipalities. The location of structures and/or public amenities, the changes in land use and the protection of important public interests within a territory can take place based on the planning permission issued by the Building Office as a result of planning proceedings.

The issued regulatory plan, being binding for decision-making process in the territory, is the instrument which, in the approved extent of planning area, substitutes the planning permission. The municipality or the region can conclude a planning agreement with the applicant asking for issuance of regulatory plan. The Building Office can conclude the planning agreement with the applicant asking for planning permission.

The planning agreement is a contract on the participation in the construction of a new public infrastructure or on the adaptation of the existing one (e.g. construction of ground roadways, railways, waterways, water mains, waste water sewage, waste water treatment plants, transformer stations, power distribution lines, etc.)


Relevant Policies 

Spatial Development Policy of the Czech Republic (15/01/2009) 
Decree of the government of the Czech republic as of May 17th, 2006, No 561 on the Spatial Development Policy of the Czech Republic.

Click to download: Czech Spatial Development Policy 2006 (Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic , 73 pages)


Building Act (15/01/2009) 

The new building act, i.e., the Act No. 183/2006 Coll., on town and country planning and building regulations (Building act) came into force on January 1st, 2007. It is a rule of law which, opposite to the old enactment, determines the issues of spatial planning, planning permission proceedings and building regulations in a completely new conceptual approach.

Click to download: The Building Act (Ministry for Regional Development of teh Czech Republic , 106 pages)
Relevant Websites (click to go to website)

Washlaw University School of Law 

Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic