

Country Introduction

Spatial planning in Germany, unlike in some other European countries, is not confined to land use planning, regulating exclusively the use of a certain piece of ground. It is rather a function to coordinate all spatially relevant intrests, functions, programms and projects. Spatial planning in itself has no funds or implementing powers, its task is above all to direct and facilitate the activities of other actors.

Competences of spatial planning authorities differ according to their position within the German administrative system. Government and administration in Germany are organized in a federal structure consisting of the national level, the states and local authorities.


Relevant Legislation

Federal Regional Planning Act (07/02/2008) 
The entire territory of the Federal Republic of Germany and the regions of which it is made up shall be developed, organized and protected by integrative general regional plans and the harmonizing of regionally significant plans and measures.
Click to download: Federal Regional Planning Act  (Federal Ministry for Transport, Construction and Housing , 83.5kb)

Federal Building Code (07/02/2008) 
The function of urban land-use planning [Bauleitplanung] is to prepare and control the use of land within a municipality, for buildings or for other purposes, in accordance with this Act.
Click to download:  Federal Building Code (Federal Ministry for Transport, Construction and Housing ,676kb)

The Renewable Energy Sources Act entered into force on 1 August 2004(13/03/2009) 
Act revising the legislation on renewable energy sources in the electricity sector.
Click to download:  2004 Act Renewable Energy  (Federal Ministry for the environment, Nature conservation and Nuclear Safety , 27 pages)

Amending the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) (13/03/2009) 
Key provisions of the new EEG as amended on 21 July 2004 
On 17 December 2003, following a proposal by Environment Minister Jürgen Trittin, the Cabinet presented a Government Draft for a comprehensive amendment to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).
Click to download: Amending the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG)   (Federal Miniistery for the environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety , 16 pages)

The main features of the Act on granting priority to renewable energy sources(13/03/2009) 
Click to download: Main Features of the Act   (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety , 10 pages)



Relevant Websites 

Institut für Städtebau und Wohnungswesen (ISW) (07/02/2008) 
The Institute of Urban Design and Housing (ISW) in Munich is an institution of the German Academy for Urban Planning and Regional Development (DASL) in Berlin. It specializes in the professional development of urban designers, housing developers, town- and regional planners and profesionals in related fields.

Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung (07/02/2008) 
The German Academy for Urban and Regional Spatial Planning aims to support urban and regional spatial planning in theory and practice. The Academy also provides a forum in which people from a wide range of interests across the economy and society can pursue their shared interest in territorial development in discussion with planning professionals.

Institut für Stadt und Regionalplanning TU Berlin (07/02/2008) 
Instituts für Stadt- und Regionalplanung from theTechnischen Universität Berlin (ISR).

Insituut für Städtebau Berlin (07/02/2008) 
Das Institut für Städtebau Berlin wurde 1961 unter der Trägerschaft der Deutschen Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung gegründet. Seine Aufgabe ist die Aus- und Fortbildung von Fachleuten der öffentlichen Verwaltung (Bund, Länder, Gemeinden) sowie – seit 1964 – auch von Referendarinnen und Referendaren des höheren Staatsdienstes auf den Gebieten des Städtebaus, der Raumordnung und Landesplanung, des Umweltschutzes sowie der zugehörigen Fachgebiete. Dabei sollen alle an diesen Aufgaben beteiligten Fachgebiete zusammengeführt werden.

German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu) (07/02/2008) 
Following an initiative from German cities, the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu) was founded in 1973 to facilitate problem solving in municipal government through sound academic research and further training and to forecast long-term prospects and possible strategies for urban development. The institute investigates municipal policy issues, conducts interdisciplinary research on fundamental problems for municipalities and devises methods, tools and concepts for implementation in municipal planning and administration. Central focuses of the Difu programme provide assistance for individual cities in solving current problems typical to Germany today.

Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs (07/02/2008) 
With its regional planning policy, the Federal Government is striving to create equivalent social conditions in all sub-regions of Germany. This task is anchored in the constitution and must come to terms with the sweeping changes to which our society is subject.

Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (07/02/2008) 
Das Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR) ist eine Bundesoberbehörde im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung (BMVBS). Das BBR unterstützt zum einen die Bundesregierung durch fachlich-wissenschaftliche Beratung in den Politikbereichen Raumordnung, Städtebau, Wohnungs- und Bauwesen/Architektur, zum anderen betreut es die wichtigsten Bundesbauten im In- und Ausland.

Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL) (07/02/2008) 
The ARL undertakes research into the spatial impacts of human activities in the economic, social, ecological and cultural spheres, and analyse the scope for sustainable spatial development.

Renewable energies in Germany – A Success Story (12/03/2009) 


Brief Overview of Country System 

Click to download:  Spatial Planning in Germany – a brief overview of Spatial Planning in Germany.